Tuesday, July 30, 2024

New Wall Hanger

I called this one 6 Pack. 
I finished it and shipped it to New York City on my 21st birthday. I was in a group show Alberto invited me to be in at Miles McEnery Gallery. 
I really should post on insta about this when they are up. 
Alberto has given me some cool opportunities. Grateful for him. 
I finished it on the floor outside of South Willard. Ryan said "so early 90's".





 moving out.

The product of the thinking in the prior post


Country Song
wood, steel, spray paint, DPW reflective material
6 feet x 3.5 feet... or something like that

Installed at SALA, Mt Washington - Mystery Villa No. 1

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Sculpture Project Thinking

Things I'm Interested In

- Pieces/plating

- holding tight

- edges

- sound system

- machines (broken, simple, over-engineered)

- cardboard

- circles

- utility standardization

- land, location

- shape, outlines, silhouettes

- holes through 

- metal plated doors

- family







-cardboard pegboard as play

- monochrome


-cardboard and metal in the same place

-cardboard as drawing for metal

-following the dumbest idea

-letting the work make itself, domino effect

-river exploration


-effortlessness, not brute force, but not necessarily resolved

-shaker furniture

- ballona creek

Things I don't want to happen

-making blown-up/repeated pattern of a rendition of another object. All objects and iconography should be it's own freaky self.


Thursday, November 9, 2023


In Love With Every Single One Of My Friends.


Saturday, May 6, 2023

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Friday, November 11, 2022

This cannot be my blog without this photo. 

I think this photo is so great. There is so much love and desire and angst and movement and stillness and tactility in it. 

 In case you are wondering, this is the picture I show to K when she cuts my hair. 

We are speaking in green today.

Finds from this morning bushwhacking on a north facing oak covered hillside looking for mushrooms after the recent rain.

1. Bear tracks
2. Yellow mushroom I don't remember the name of
3. Precious Yet Parasitic: oak leaf galls perched on the tippy tips
4-6. Deer vertebrae

I can't wait to keep exploring and looking. 
So blessed to have eyes. So blessed these eyes get damp sometimes.

Thursday, November 10, 2022


Grabby stick. I take for later.

"If it is a human thing to do to put something you want, because it's useful, edible, or beautiful, into a bag, or a basket, or a bit of rolled bark or leaf, or a net woven of your own hair, or what have you, and then take it home with you, home being another, larger kind of pouch or bag, a container for people, and then later on you take it out and eat it or share it or store it up for winter in a solider container or put it in the medicine bundle or the shrine or the museum, the holy place, the area that contains what is sacred, and then next day you probably do much the same again--if to do that is human, if that's what it takes, then I am a human being after all." -- Ursula Le Guin, 1986

The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction by Ursula Le Guin.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Marlon Coyes
Hotdog Cannon
8.5 x 11 inches

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

 Sailors in Sevastopol in 1994, four months before a treaty called the Budapest Memorandum was signed by the U.S., the U.K., and Russia guaranteeing the signatories will "respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing boarders of Ukraine."

2 This image reminded me of Bernardo Montet's choreography in Beau Travail.  --- “It’s a way to show their vulnerability, their fragility in these killer bodies,” Mr. Montet said. Article here.